Date |
Tool |
Version |
Release information |
Year 2019 |
2020/03/08 |
poApps |
2.5.2 |
Maintenance release.
- All apps:
Use Tcl/Tk 8.6.10.
Improved checked widgets.
Extended list of Linux file browsers: konqueror, dolphin, nautilus.
- Updated external packages: scrollutil 1.5, Tablelist 6.8
2019/11/23 |
poApps |
2.5.1 |
Maintenance release.
- All apps: Bug fixes in SimpleTextEdit widget.
2019/11/03 |
poApps |
2.5.0 |
Graphical user interface improvements and extended functionality.
- Potential incompatibility:
Remove settings file poImgType.cfg before starting this version.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements in poTcllib and poTklib.
- All apps:
Replaced autoscroll package with Csaba's new scrollutil package.
Unified usage of status widget including progress bar.
Improved combobox functionality: Key press selects entry in drop-down list.
Improved and unified tk_getSaveFile usage.
Extended drag and drop support.
Extended functionality of SimpleTextEdit and Preivew widget.
- poImgBrowse:
Several improvements in graphical user interface.
Added functionality to load selected images into PowerPoint.
- poImgdiff: Improved RAW image comparison.
- poImgview: Integrated test image generation functionality.
- poPresMgr: Added support for creating videos with PowerPoint.
- Updated external packages: CAWT 2.4.7, scrollutil 1.2, Tablelist 6.7, tksvg 0.3
2019/08/13 |
poApps |
2.4.3 |
Maintenance release.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements in poTcllib and poTklib.
- All apps: Corrected cleanup of temporary tclkit files.
Improved handling of recent files and directories:
Opening the menu was slow, if the number of rencent entries were large
and/or contained network pathes.
- tkdiff:
Fixed bug when opening the search window and the clipboard was empty.
Use the diff.exe of the starpack, if no diff program is available in PATH.
2019/06/21 |
poApps |
2.4.2 |
Maintenance release.
- All apps: Corrected batch processing.
- poImgview: Corrected limits of selection rectangle spinboxes.
2019/06/08 |
poApps |
2.4.1 |
Maintenance release.
- poImgview: Improved using current directory for saving images and starting the image browser.
- poImgBrowse: Check, if a file name is an image file before trying to generate a thumbnail.
Otherwise when having a large binary file (eg. ZIP), the photo command will crash.
2019/03/03 |
poApps |
2.4.0 |
Added support for FLIR FPF images.
- poTcllib/poType.tcl: Corrected detection of JPEG and SVG images.
- poTklib/poImgType.tcl: Corrected several read and write options. Caution: Remove poImgtype.cfg before starting poApps version 2.4.0.
- poTklib/poWinPreview.tcl: Corrected display of title when loading text content.
- All apps: Build session, last files and directories menus on demand using bitmaps.
- All apps: Added support for reading FLIR FPF images using Img 1.4.9.
- poDiff: More drag and drop support.
- poImgview: Added ability to scan through the images of current directory.
- poImgview: Added key bindings for selection rectangle.
- poImgview: Added ability to toggle image loading mode (load as new image vs. load over existing image)
- poImgview: Better error detection when reading images.
- poImgBrowse: Added button for stopping file scanning. Add drag and drop support.
- Updated external packages: Tcl/Tk 8.6.9, CAWT 2.4.3, Img 1.4.9, Tablelist 6.4, Twapi 4.3.5
Year 2018 |
2018/12/27 |
poApps |
2.3.3 |
Maintenance release.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements in poTcllib and poTklib.
- poDiff: Corrected replacement of multiple files.
- poImgview: Corrected reading of RAW images without header.
- poImgBrowse: Major rewrite to improve scanning and browsing of images. Corrected sorting of width and height column.
- poSlideShow: Corrected starting of a slide show when calling SetInitialFile or SetFileMarkList.
- tkdiff: New adapted version based on tkdiff 4.3.5.
2018/04/26 |
poApps |
2.3.2 |
Maintenance release.
- Several bug fixes and enhancements in poTcllib and poTklib.
- File and image type tab: Changed graphical layout to use a tablelist instead of a combobox.
- Improved RAW image handling. New command line option: --rawinfo.
- poDiff: Sort results like Explorer: Directories first, then files. Added notebook containing Edit, Preview and FileInfo tabs in search window.
Year 2017 |
2017/12/31 |
poApps |
2.3.1 |
Maintenance release.
- Several bug fixes and enhancements in poTcllib and poTklib.
- New experimental module poOffice with Outlook and Word utility tools.
- Added support for new Tcl/Tk 8.7 features: Display of image alpha values. Text in progress bars.
- poDiff: Better handling of files starting with a tilde (esp. Office temp. files: ~$xyz). Corrected comparison in mode IgnoreEndOfLineChars.
- poImgBrowse: Added ability for slide shows of directories.
- Updated external packages: Tcl/Tk 8.6.8, CAWT 2.4.1, Img 1.4.7, Tablelist 6.0, Twapi 4.2.12.
2017/06/18 |
poApps |
2.3.0 |
Added drag-and-drop support and reading of SVG images.
- Use dictionary sort for all string and file lists.
- File selection windows (tk_getOpenFile, tk_getSaveFile) are now modal windows.
- poImgBrowse: Added last used directories in context menu for copy and move operations.
- poTcllib: Added new module poMatrix for handling matrices represented as list of lists.
- poTcllib: New procedures in module poMisc: IsSquare IsPowerOfTwo AbsToRel PrintDict Distance2D Distance3D GetFileNumber ReplaceFileNumber.
- poTklib: Added new module poDragAndDrop for handling tkdnd functionality.
- poTklib: Added new module poUkazUtil implementing utility procedures for the ukaz widget.
- poTklib: New procedures in module poTablelistUtil: GetNumRows GetNumCols GetCellValue SetCellValue.
- poTklib: Extended poDial functionality.
Year 2016 |
2016/12/11 |
poApps |
2.2.5 |
Maintenance release.
- Added ability to batch compare 2 files.
- Added option to switch off text widget undo functionality for tablelist.
to work around an error introduced in Tcl 8.6.6.
- Several bug fixes and enhancements in poTcllib and poTklib.
- poDiff/poTkDiff: Added new command line options: --compare, --ignnoreeol, --ignorehour.
- poImgview: Added ability view 16-bit RAW images in pseudo color.
- Updated external packages: Tcl/Tk 8.6.6, CAWT 2.3.1, Tablelist 5.16, Twapi 4.2a5.
2016/05/27 |
poApps |
2.2.4 |
Maintenance release.
- Cleanup tclkit generated temporary directories on Windows.
- Several bug fixes in poTcllib and poTklib.
- poImgview/poImgBrowse: Img 1.4.6 fixes bug when reading PNG images regarding gamma correction and 16-bit images.
- poSlideShow: Fixed memory leaks. Fullscreen mode now works correctly on Mac.
- Updated external packages: Img 1.4.6, poImg 2.0.1.
2016/04/17 |
poApps |
2.2.3 |
Maintenance release.
- poImgview/poImgBrowse: Bugfixes regarding slideshows (path names with spaces, no images selected).
- poImgview/poImgBrowse: Img 1.4.5 fixes bug when reading progressive JPEG images (Windows).
- poImgview/poImgBrowse: Img 1.4.5 fixes slow -format window" option when capturing a canvas (Windows).
- Tk 8.6.5 improves stability on Mac.
- Updated external packages: Tcl/Tk 8.6.5, Img 1.4.15, Tablelist 5.15.
Year 2015 |
2015/11/05 |
poApps |
2.2.2 |
Enhanced batch processing functionality.
- poDiff: Added new command line option --filetype.
- poDiff: Added combobox to search for given file types only.
- poImgview: Print selection rectangle to stdout when pressing right mouse button.
2015/10/10 |
poApps |
2.2.1 |
Enhanced batch processing functionality and bug fixes.
- poDiff: Added batch mode (enabled via --batch) for directory comparison.
- poDiff: Added new command line option --convert.
- poDiff: Added new command line option --filematch.
- Bug fixes in modules poWinSelect and poWinRollUp.
- Updated external packages: Tablelist 5.14, CAWT 2.1.0.
2015/09/11 |
poApps |
2.2.0 |
Enhanced functionality and bug fixes.
- poDiff: Added ability to edit search and session lists.
- poDiff: Added button to switch directories.
- poDiff: Added --session command line parameter.
- poImgview: Tools are now realized as rollups instead of simple toplevel windows.
- poImgview: Added ability to manipulate selection rectangle history list.
- poImgview: Improved ICO reader (correct sizes of sub-icons).
- poImgview: Added --equalsize command line parameter.
- poImgdiff: Improved support of RAW image files.
- poImgdiff: Added button to switch image files.
- poSlideShow: Added interactive changing of text color, scale to fit, toggling of
info message and image rotation.
- New module poWinRollUp implementing rollup widgets.
- Corrected bug starting tkdiff.
- Added build number and build date to poApps version information.
- Updated external packages: Tablelist 5.13, CAWT 2.0.0, Img 1.4.3, poImg 2.0.0
- Internal restructuring:
poImg is now compiled with TEA.
No VisualStudio runtime libraries needed on Windows.
Year 2014 |
2014/12/30 |
poApps |
2.1.0 |
Enhanced functionality and bug fixes.
- Added PowerPoint manager (poPresMgr) as new application.
- poImgview: Added slide show functionality.
- poImgview: Added color count functionality.
- poDiff: Use tablelists instead of simple listboxes.
- poDiff: Added progress bars in diff and search windows.
- poDiff: Added preview and file information tabs.
- poDiff: Added ability to search for files using date comparison.
- Added several new command line options.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements.
- Updated external packages: Tcl 8.6.3, CAWT 1.2.0, Tablelist 5.12.1
2014/03/16 |
poApps |
2.0.4 |
Enhanced functionality and bug fixes.
- Added poSlideShow as new application.
- poImgview: Reworked GUI layout.
- poImgview: Display values of RAW images.
- poImgview: Added new window for interactive image composition.
- poBitmap: Added scale functionality. Speed improvements.
- Added functionality to edit recent files and directories list.
- Added several new command line options.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and small improvements.
Year 2013 |
2013/12/08 |
poApps |
2.0.3 |
Enhanced functionality and bug fixes.
- Use of
self-compiled tclkits.
- Reorganization of Open and Browse menus.
- MouseWheel event handling for all scrolled widgets.
- Image autofit in poImgview and poImgdiff.
- Unified image histogram display.
- poImgview: New command line option --compose to compose several images in batch mode.
- poImgview: New command line option --crop to crop images in batch mode.
- Added CAWT 1.0.4: Load histogram values to Excel. Excel diff in poDiff.
- Updated Tablelist to version 5.10.
2013/10/12 |
poApps |
2.0.2 |
Enhanced functionality and bug fixes. Windows 64-bit support.
- poImgdiff: Speed improvement when comparing images.
- poImgdiff: New command line option --savehist to save the histograms in a CSV file.
- Improved heuristics when starting poApps with 1 directory as parameter.
- Settings menu now available on main page.
- Updated Img version to 1.4.2.
2013/09/08 |
poApps |
2.0.1 |
Enhanced functionality, rework and several bug fixes.
- Enhanced interoperability between the applications.
- New combine functionality in poImgview.
- Iconify main window when starting an application.
- Use tablelist widget for file and image information display.
- Elimination of duplicate code.
2013/07/14 |
poApps |
2.0.0 |
Major rewrite and packaging in one starpack.
- Put every standalone poTools into a namespace.
- Added (slightly modified) version of tkdiff.
- Use of Tcl 8.6.0 for starpacks.
- Enhanced interoperability between the applications.
- Incompatibility: Rework of configuration files.
Year 2012 |
2012/12/29 |
poBitmap |
1.0.1 |
Extended functionality
- Consistent command line parameters for all poTools.
2012/12/29 |
poDiff |
1.0.4 |
Extended functionality and bug fixes.
- Consistent command line parameters for all poTools.
- Added new command line option --sync for batch synchronizing directories.
- Added "Touch File" functionality in context menus.
- Bug fixes and enhanced functionality in search/replace window.
2012/12/29 |
poImgdiff |
1.0.2 |
Extended functionality and bug fixes.
- Consistent command line parameters for all poTools.
- Improved histogram display.
2012/12/29 |
poImgview |
1.0.2 |
Extended functionality and bug fixes.
- Consistent command line parameters for all poTools.
- Added ImageMap functionality.
- Added Copy/Paste functionality on Windows (uses Twapi).
Year 2011 |
2011/08/24 |
poBitmap |
1.0.0 |
Extended functionality.
- Use of ttk widgets.
- Use of Tcl 8.5.8 for starpacks.
- Incompatibility: Rework of configuration files.
2011/08/24 |
poDiff |
1.0.0 |
Extended functionality.
- Use of ttk widgets.
- Use of Tcl 8.5.8 for starpacks.
- Incompatibility: Rework of configuration files.
2011/08/24 |
poImgdiff |
1.0.0 |
Extended functionality.
- Use of ttk widgets.
- Use of Tcl 8.5.8 for starpacks.
- Incompatibility: Rework of configuration files.
2011/08/24 |
poImgview |
1.0.0 |
Extended functionality.
- Use of ttk widgets.
- Use of Tcl 8.5.8 for starpacks.
- Incompatibility: Rework of configuration files.
Year 2009 |
2009/07/23 |
poBitmap |
0.3 |
Extended functionality.
- Added rotation by 90° steps.
2009/07/19 |
poImgview |
0.3.1 |
Extended functionality and bug fixes.
- Added rotation by 90° steps and image fliping.
- Added enhanced image information.
2009/07/19 |
poImgdiff |
0.3.1 |
Extended functionality.
- Added blending of difference image with original image.
Year 2008 |
2008/06/10 |
poImgview |
0.3 |
Extended functionality and bug fixes.
- Added tiling functionality.
- Added zoom rectangle.
2008/06/10 |
poImgdiff |
0.3 |
Extended functionality and bug fixes.
- Added adjustment of difference image.
2008/06/10 |
poDiff |
0.3 |
Extended functionality and bug fixes.
- Added search and replacement window.