- User manual (PDF)
- Reference manual (HTML)
- Work-In-Progress presentation at EuroTcl 2012 (PDF)
- Use cases presentation at EuroTcl 2015 (PDF)
- Screenshots:
- Tcl generated Excel sheets
- Excel chart as photo image
- Data exchange with Tablelist
- Excel file comparison
- Automation of Excel and Google Earth
- Embed Office application
Excel workbook consisting of worksheets with different chart types.
The workbook was created by test program Excel-06_Chart.tcl
Tk window created by test program Excel-06_Chart.tcl
The Excel chart was copied to the Windows clipboard with the
Twapi extension
and pasted into a photo image with the help of the
Img extension.
Excel workbook with 2 worksheets and a Tk window with corresponding
Tablelist widgets
created by test program Excel-07_Tablelist.tcl
Comparison of two Excel files created by test program Excel-17_Diff.tcl
using procedure DiffExcelFiles introduced in version 1.0.4.
Load position information into an Excel sheet, read back that information and create
a Tk GUI with buttons corresponding to these positions. Clicking onto one of these
buttons triggers Google Earth to fly to that position.
Generated with test program Earth-02_MunichTour.tcl
Embed an Office application into a Tk frame.
Generated with test program Word-23_Embed.tcl